The logo for the hispanic coalition of small businesses advancing small business communities.
A woman wearing a black shirt and a necklace is smiling for the camera.


Board Member

Entrepreneur, Influencer, Mentor, Motivational Speaker, & Health and Wellness Coach and Business Consultant

Dennise Mejia is a self-made serial Latina entrepreneur business owner. Born in Bogota, Colombia, she is an influencer, and a business consultant with 15 years of diverse business capacity experiences. Dennise has expertise and knowledge in providing multiple professional consulting services in areas such as workers compensation lien litigation; logistics in trucking, marketing, sales, distribution, multilevel industries, and team building strategies. As past state delegate of the Los Angeles Democratic Party, and a strong community leader, Dennise has built innovative and diverse entrepreneurship opportunities for women including, social equity and inclusion programs.  

Currently, Dennise is the Co-Founder and Vice President of ICBWA (International Cannabis Consulting Business Women’s Association); Founding Executive Board Member of the Hispanic Coalition of Small Businesses; Director of Climate Change Committee with WGGO (World Green Growth Organization); member of the Cannabis Equity and Inclusion Community (CEIC) Nevada; Clone City Consulting Vice President of Business Development; Advisory Board Member Latino Coalition of Los Angeles; current Advisory Board Member and Past Vice President of National Latina Business Women’s Association-Los Angeles (NLBWA-LA); and Los Angeles Regional Representative of Alquimia Global. Dennise prides herself in mentoring new entrepreneurs and helping develop transparent, meaningful working relationships. Her objective is to build and empower leadership in diverse communities and provide creative innovative spaces in the Cannabis, Green Technology, and Sustainable Renewable Energy programs and platforms.


Dennise has received numerous community awards and recognitions from local and state elected officials.

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