The logo for the hispanic coalition of small businesses advancing small business communities.

Other Standing or Ad-Hoc Committee


  • TBD
A man is standing in a hallway holding a briefcase and opening a glass door.

Committee Chair/Co-Chair



Committee Members

  1. TBD
  • Each Committee Chair/Co-Chair will choose their “voting committee members.” All of the Committee participants will “drill down” from the HCSB strategic goals to a tactical level by each committee to form the Committee Strategic Goals. These goals will be voted upon by the “voting committee members” before forwarding to the HCSB Board of Directors for final approval.
  • Each HCSB Board Director will serve on at least one Committee with the objective that board representation and input will be at the Committee level. This will make the organization much more efficient when it comes to voting/approving items at the HCSB Board level.
  • When a Committee submits an action item/program/etc. to the full HCSB Board of Directors for approval, that item will have already been voted upon by the Committee members. The HCSB Board of Directors will “ratify” (or give their Stamp of Approval) on that action.
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