The logo for the hispanic coalition of small businesses advancing small business communities.

Procurement Committee


  • To prepare our small and micro businesses for contracts, procurement, and funding opportunities while forming sustained relationships with public/private contract providers for contract awards. Get our members "Certified; Contract-Ready; Loan-Ready!"

Procurement Committee

A 5 dollar bill with abraham lincoln on it

Committee Chair/Co-Chair

Committee Members

  1. Illary Archilla
  2. Lilly Rocha

  1. Procurement is the process of finding and agreeing to the terms of a purchase. It includes identifying potential suppliers, negotiating contracts, and selecting the supplier that offers the best value for money. Purchasing is the actual act of buying goods and services.
  2. The federal government awarded $154.2 Billion to small businesses in fiscal year 2021, an $8 Billion increase from the previous fiscal year, according to the Small Business Administration. That’s a record 27.2% of total federal contracting funds, exceeding the government’s goal of 23%. (July 26, 2022)
  3. The 27.2% of total federal contracting funds going to small businesses, combined with $72 Billion in subprime contracting goals, has supported over 1 million jobs in the American economy. (July 26, 2022)

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